Rapid scalability

Our MMC technology supports rapid and low cost scaling. We are proving this point by our first factory being a recycled milking shed “Old Dairy“.

We just need an empty building with good road access near a prison with workshop facilities. With those assets in place we can be rapidly creating employment and  producing ready to live in Pods and housing within months not years.

We are Levelling Up in Action ……..not words.

Redeemer Church, Harlow

This project is planned for in Harlow, Essex and an example of seeking to redevelop church buildings to enable an extension of life and creation of a source of future income for good causes.

The existing church which is in a dilapidated state will be demolished to make room for new one along with affordable apartments. The new development will be up to 5-storeys in parts in addition to the church, and will have 45 apartments with the majority being let to key worker nurses from the local NHS hospital.

Redeemer picture credits: Arch Angel Architects (plus header image) and Spires Almshouses CiC

St Johns, London

The proposed church development is noteworthy for its lack of demolition required.

Plans show the  erection of a completely new  part four-part five storey building to provide; 15 residential units (Class C3), car parking, cycle parking, landscaping, new vehicular access and associated works. The 15 residential units comprise 6 x 1 bed and 9 x 2 bed unit mix alongside provision of 3 car parking spaces, 2 allocated for use by the church and 1 accessible space allocated for residential use. The proposals also provide  a new courtyard and colonnade, café and outdoor seating and office, all complementary  to the church.

St Johns picture credits: Matthew Lloyd Architects and Spires Almshouses CiC

“My overarching aim is for the Church to provide leadership to society who are in crisis at the moment. Coming Home is an example of a leadership opportunity that will have positive outcomes.”

Angus Fraser, Founder of MMC Homebuilding Ltd

The cohousing principle

  • UK Cohousing

    Cohousing schemes are intentional communities run by their residents. Each household has a self-contained home as well as shared community space and facilities. Cohousing can be a great way to live, balancing privacy and highly sociable neighbourhood life.

  • Co-production housing

    One size does not fit all. We offer beautiful design, energy efficiency, and connection with neighbours. We fill the gaps created by the lack of quality and choice in the UK housing market.

Self Build

We are working with self build groups and developers as our mmc technology can be built by unskilled and semi skilled people.

Our strong belief is that Homes England land be made available in the new Garden Towns for self builds to create more choice and diversity in housing stock.
