About Change A Life Solutions

At Change A Life Solutions CIC (CALS) we deliver practical solutions to the challenges offenders and prison-leavers face.

We help prison leavers to re-join their mainstream community successfully, to break the cycle of re-offending - and change a life for good. Change A Life Solutions has been established to acquire and place new built single person Pods which are specifically targeted and made available to vulnerable people and anyone in need of a safe and secure home. These modern homes are purpose-built, robust and appropriate for their purpose. Located on carefully chosen sites, provided by churches or government agencies on a “meanwhile use” basis, the Pods will be temporarily placed for periods of up to 5 years; they can become real homes where people can settle, and where people can move on from when their circumstances change as they successfully re-join society.

Working with CALS

We are working towards establishing an accommodation courtyard across the road from our factory in a disused dilapidated farm yard.

This will provide much needed walk to work quality accommodation for our day release prisoners when they have completed their sentences and are released. There will be recreation areas and vegetable gardens. We see this as a template for other future Pod clusters. Click below to watch our video.

The Potential

NHS land awaiting development provides opportunities for Pod clusters with mixed use and occupation.

Shown on the right is an actual but unnamed NHS site currently under discussion planned to provide EPC A rated living for NHS key workers, medical apprentices, refugee families and vulnerable people in separate clusters with two sets of support offices and meeting rooms.

  1. Living Pods x 10

  2. Parking spaces served directly off the adjacent main road x 8

  3. Refugee Living Pods x 7

  4. Key worker Living Pods x 9

  5. Parking spaces served directly off the adjacent cul-de-sac x7

Picture credit: Micro Architecture

Change a life for good